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Ways to Naturally Eliminate Migraines

Migraine headaches are the second most common type of primary headache after tension headaches. And, just to be clear, a “primary” headache is a headache that is not caused by another disease or condition.

Along with debilitating pain, migraines can generate blurred vision, dizziness, nausea, and sensitivity to light and sound.  Often without much warning, migraines can happen once a year, monthly, or several times a week. And, unfortunately, migraines can either occur with an aura – which is known as the classic migraine – or without an aura, which is called a common migraine.

What can trigger a migraine?
The possible migraine triggers not only vary from one individual to another, but encompass a whole range of common substances. This can include hormonal imbalances, synthetic fragrances, processed cereals (or other junk foods), and skipping meals.  A simple drop in blood sugar can cause all kinds of health issues including head pain.

The list of possible triggers is so long – it often appears impossible to eliminate the so-called causes.  In the food category alone the list is extensive and includes ripened and aged cheese, poor-quality chocolate, citrus fruits, conventionally-raised (processed) meat with nitrites such as hot dogs, MSG, caffeinated beverages, and alcohol.

Food additive such as nitrites, sulfites, and aspartame can be the culprit behind a migraine.  In fact, studies show a large percentage of migraine sufferers point to specific foods as the trigger.

Non-food triggers include changes in the atmosphere such as drops in barometric pressure, high temperatures, and bright, fluorescent lights.  Many women get migraines monthly due to hormone fluctuations or the use of birth control pills.

However, one of the most common migraine triggers seems to be chronic stress.  It is a known fact that anxiety, worry, depression, and mood changes can all release specific brain chemicals – which can trigger a migraine.

Sadly, Western medicine promotes the use of analgesic migraine medications – including both prescription pain relievers and over-the-counter drugs – which produce “rebound” headaches.  The point here is simple: no pill will ever solve the (underlying) problem associated with chronic head pain.

A better way to achieve freedom from chronic headache pain
Even with many drugs, lifestyle techniques, and surgical options available to treat and prevent the onset of a migraine – finding the right combination of therapies to manage migraines can be difficult. Fortunately, there is growing scientific evidence to suggest that natural means are just as effective as prescription medication and, many times, even more effective.

#1 – Massage: Keeping the muscles more relaxed, less inflamed, and helping maintain structural alignment can help reduce the triggers that often cause migraines.

#2 – Melatonin: Two-thirds of study participants who took melatonin before going to bed every night for 3 months said the number of migraines they experienced dropped by 50%.

#3 – Magnesium: Studies have shown that migraine sufferers have low brain magnesium during migraine attacks and may also suffer from a magnesium deficiency. It is thought magnesium deficiency may play a particularly important role in menstrual migraine.

#4 – Diet: It pays to avoid headache-inducing substances, including nitrites in processed meats, sugar, processed foods, chocolate, nuts ,aged cheese, aspartame, and monosodium glutamate (MSG) used in foods as a flavor enhancer.  It’s also worth mentioning that dehydration is a major cause of headaches. Even though food may not be the underlying cause of a migraine, a poor diet does contribute to the problem by depleting vitamins and minerals – which are meant to help ward off an attack.

#5 – Upper cervical chiropractic treatment: The most recent research is showing that the most plausible cause of migraine headaches resides in the autonomic nervous system. The swelling of the blood vessels in the brain and the drop in neurotransmitters are secondary and mainly occur in response to the changes in the autonomic nervous system.

#6 – Reduce Emotional stress which is a well-known trigger for migraine.  Japanese researchers have found that people living in fast-paced business centers in Tokyo tend to have an imbalance in the autonomic nervous system – specifically, an inhibition of the parasympathetic system that is active during relaxation, and an excitation of the sympathetic nervous system, which governs our response to stress.

#7 – Balance Your Hormones Naturally: If hormones are the base trigger, working with a Naturopathic Doctor to balance your hormones naturally can help reduce or eliminate the hormone based triggers.

Pick up your magnesium and melatonin supplements on your next visit to Whitaker’s Natural Market along with scheduling your appointment with Dr Jocelin to get to the root trigger causes!

Portions of this health tip are from NaturalHealth365. 

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Migraines and Headaches

Over 37 million Americans suffer from migraines and headaches. Unfortunately, headaches are an invisible disease, due to its ability to cause people who suffer from it to feel isolated and alone.  June is National Migraine & Headache Awareness Month, and the National Headache Foundation is taking this opportunity to shine a light on the millions of Americans who suffer in silence.

If you are a migraine or headache sufferer, then you understand how debilitating they are. Eating a clean diet low in sugar and gluten which are both possible inflammatory causes is a good base.  Followed by supporting good gut health with probiotics and digestive enzymes.  Then using natural headache “stoppers” is crucial to helping you fight these “show stoppers” and live a healthy normal life.

So which natural headache “stoppers” would I recommend?  My personal favorite is Europharma’s Curamin Headache Relief + Caffeine.  For me, this often works as good as an Excedrin Migraine.  The Curamin Headache Relief is also available without the Caffeine.  If your headaches are caused by muscle tightness, tiredness, or tension, then the Gold Balm by CV Sciences is a definite!  Also, my practitioner grade Peppermint, Rosemary, and Lavender Essential Oils are a great help in finding relief.  Finally, do not forget the homeopathic Migraine and Headache formulas by Hylands. Finding the right solution that works for you is crucial to finding relief and successfully fighting these “show stoppers.”