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How glutathione recycling helps support a strong immune system

Threats to health – including exposure to environmental toxins, heavy metals, EMF radiation, bacteria, and viruses – seem to be everywhere these days, highlighting the need for a strong, efficient immune system. And, with 80 percent of the immune system located in the gut, it’s easy to see that immune health and gut health are closely connected.

In fact, scientific research showcases the ability of a natural molecule, glutathione, to support the health of the immune system.  But, this amazing substance must be effectively regenerated and recycled by the body before it can accomplish its life-sustaining tasks.  Let’s take a closer look at this important topic.

Glutathione recycling is essential for combating oxidative stress and inflammation
Often called the body’s master antioxidant, glutathione is truly a “workhorse” when it comes to battling oxidative stress.  Specifically, glutathione works with other important natural antioxidants in the body to quench the harmful effects of free radicals, which would otherwise damage cells and tissue and trigger disease.

The process involves free radicals being passed down a chain, moving from vitamin C to vitamin E to lipoic acid and finally to glutathione.  In other words, when it comes to battling oxidation and inflammation, the “buck” really does stop with glutathione.

Glutathione then neutralizes the free radicals, and – for good measure – replenishes and recycles the other antioxidants.  In the process, however, the glutathione “sacrifices” itself, necessitating that another protective glutathione molecule be created to take its place.

In the case of serious injury or illness, glutathione may be depleted more quickly than it can be produced, unleashing a cascade of disastrous health effects.  In fact, many integrative healthcare providers warn that a deficiency in glutathione is associated with virtually all chronic diseases such as, heart disease, cancer, type 2 diabetes, arthritis, and Alzheimer’s disease.

Glutathione helps to heal intestinal permeability and overall gut health issues
Also known as “leaky gut,” increased intestinal permeability occurs when the connective junctions between the cells lining the intestines become loose – which can occur as a result of poor nutrition, exposure to environmental toxins, infections, food allergies, antibiotics, NSAID drugs, and aging.

This allows harmful foreign substances – such as particles of undigested food, pathogens, and toxins – to enter the bloodstream, causing an inappropriate immune response and triggering a variety of ills that can include systemic inflammation, cognitive decline, skin rashes, joint pain, irritable bowel syndrome, and celiac disease.

Moreover, leaky gut disrupts the balance of the gut microbiota (beneficial bacteria). Imbalances in gut bacteria have been linked with obesity, type 2 diabetes, atherosclerosis, and fatty liver disease.  Natural health experts maintain that glutathione helps to prevent and treat leaky gut by protecting the epithelial cells of the intestinal tract and strengthening the tight junctions between them.

And, glutathione’s three “building blocks” – the amino acids glutamine, cysteine, and glycine – allow it to not only protect cells, but directly nourish them. Assorted studies show that glutamine and glycine are the preferred “fuel” for intestinal lining cells.  Research bears out the remarkable ability of glutathione and its constituents to fight leaky gut.

In an influential review of studies published in 2011 in Journal of Epithelial and Biological Pharmacology, the authors credited glutamine in glutathione with playing a “vital role in the maintenance of mucosal integrity.”

Study: Glutathione caused natural killer cells to double
Glutathione combats bacteria and viruses by activating infection-fighting white blood cells, such as natural killer cells and T-cells.  In one double-blind, placebo-controlled clinical trial, participants were divided into three groups and given either low amounts of glutathione (250 mg a day), higher amounts (1,000 mg a day), or a placebo.

The results were definitive – and encouraging!

After six months, the team found that the high-amount of glutathione boosted the disease-fighting effect of natural killer cells by a stunning 100 percent!  By the way, scientists credit glutathione with the ability to promote both innate and adaptive immunity.

Keep in mind: innate immunity deals with non-specific threats and involves a general physical and cellular response – while adaptive immunity recognizes various microbial threats and develops a unique immune system response for each one.  Obviously, both forms of immunity are essential.

Finally, in a review published in Proceedings of the Nutrition Society, the authors noted the importance of glutathione to immune health, reporting that the immune system works best when the lymphoid cells have a delicately balanced intermediate level of glutathione.

Promote glutathione recycling through natural techniques
One of the best ways to boost glutathione recycling and production is to increase your dietary intake of cruciferous vegetables, such as broccoli – and of high-cysteine foods such as cage-free eggs, organic beef and organic whole grains.

Supplements that can help recycle glutathione include N-acetyl-cysteine, alpha lipoic acid, B-complex vitamins such as folate, B6, and B12. And, don’t forget the antioxidant vitamins C and E.  In addition to being recycled by glutathione, they can “return the favor” and recycle glutathione themselves.

Natural health experts typically advise glutathione supplementation of 250 to 600 mg a day. With immune-boosting and detoxifying effects across the board, glutathione is clearly “good stuff” – especially during these physically (and emotionally) challenging times.

Be sure to pick up your Glutathione and Glutathione Recycling Supplements along with your Organic Broccoli, Beef, and Eggs on your next visit to Whitaker’s Natural Market!

Portions of this Health Tip are from NaturalHealth365.

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Why take glutathione and vitamin C together?

According to the National Health Council, a troubling 50 percent of American adults suffer greatly with their health.  Thankfully, recent research has shown that a pair of natural substances – glutathione and vitamin C – can help to increase the body’s natural antioxidant defense system.  This, in turn, helps to reduce the risk of excess oxidative stress – which leads to a diminished quality of life.

Researchers have found that these natural compounds work in concert, with each helping to replenish and recycle the other. Let’s take a closer look at the health benefits that are obtained by taking these two natural substances together.

Glutathione and vitamin C: Two “superstar” antioxidants join forces

Glutathione – one of the most powerful antioxidants in the body – is also its premier detoxifying molecule, working to neutralize pathogens, environmental toxins, and carcinogens.  In addition, it boosts the immune system, increases strength and endurance, and encourages the body to form lean muscle rather than fat.

In fact, so strongly tied is glutathione to health and well-being that scientists can use glutathione levels to predict longevity – quite a testament to its influence in the body!

Unfortunately, glutathione levels can be threatened by toxic drugs, environmental toxins, and chronic stress – as well as by normal aging.  Unsurprisingly, healthy young people have the highest levels of glutathione, while elderly, hospitalized patients have the very lowest.

Like glutathione, vitamin C can help to boost immune system function.  In fact, studies have shown that vitamin C increases production of life protective antibodies and promotes the function of phagocytes, the body’s scavenger cells.

In addition, vitamin C – which has potent antioxidant, antiviral, and anti-inflammatory properties – can protect fragile cell membranes and prevent damage to cell DNA, as well as to important proteins and enzymes (including glutathione).  It is also a cofactor in the production of collagen – which is essential to arterial and heart health.

So, it’s clear to see: insufficient stores of glutathione and vitamin C can cause serious health issues.

Stronger together: Glutathione and vitamin C empower each other

Together, these two antioxidants neutralize harmful free radicals.  This is important, because free radicals cause the unhealthy peroxidation of cell membrane lipids, leading to eventual cell death and increased likelihood of sickness.

Noted functional physician and author Dr. Mark Hyman uses the “hot potato” analogy to explain the antioxidant actions of glutathione and vitamin C.  Free radicals get bounced like a “hot potato” from one antioxidant to another, shuttling from vitamin C to vitamin E – then on to lipoic acid, and finally, glutathione.

Glutathione “cools off” the free radicals while recycling the other antioxidants, sacrificing itself in the process. However, the process ends with the regeneration of more glutathione.  In other words, glutathione and vitamin C function as a “buddy act,” in which each has the other’s back.

Vitamin C also helps to protect glutathione in the tissues, while glutathione coverts worn-out vitamin C (dehydroascorbic acid) back into its active form.  In fact, a study published in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition demonstrated that glutathione can actually alleviate vitamin C deficiency.

Boost glutathione and vitamin C with diet and proper supplementation.

You can help your body increase its glutathione production by eating sulfur-rich foods, such as garlic, onions, and cruciferous vegetables including Brussels sprouts, cabbage, cauliflower, and arugula.

When it comes to ramping up vitamin C intake, red bell peppers, kiwi fruit, strawberries, and citrus fruits are among the best sources.

Adding supplements of both can be a great idea as well.  Bottom line: when it comes to protecting your health, glutathione and vitamin C are “on the job.” Maybe it’s time to put this dynamic duo to work for you?

Be sure to pick up your Vitamin C and Glutathione supplements on your next visit to Whitaker’s Natural Market. 

Portions of this health tip are from Natural Health 365. 

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Supplementing with glutathione daily reduces cellular damage and fights degenerative disease, study reveals.

Roughly one out of every three Americans is now suffering from a degenerative disease like, heart disease (which kills over 620,000 people every year) or cancer (deaths from which are expected to top 630,000 by 2020).

Several researchers speculate that the widespread occurrence of these diseases is due to a deficiency in glutathione – a natural antioxidant produced in the body.
Inextricably linked to health and longevity, glutathione is a disease-fighting natural chemical that protects cells, reduces oxidative stress, neutralizes toxins, and even helps to boost the immune system.  Unfortunately, as we age, glutathione levels plunge – which increases our risk of degenerative disease.

Glutathione, which is composed of a trio of amino acids (glycine, glutamine, and cysteine), is found in every cell in the body – with particularly high concentrations in the liver, where it is produced.

One of the most important functions of glutathione is that it binds to, and neutralizes, harmful free radicals – which otherwise would produce oxidative stress and trigger disease.  It also detoxifies pollutants and carcinogens and helps to speed up their excretion from the body.

In addition, glutathione enhances and supports the function of T-cells – which are needed for an effective immune system – and assists with DNA repair, thus reducing the chance of cancer-causing mutations.

It also helps to transport mercury (a toxic, heavy metal) from the brain.

Finally, glutathione helps to “tweak” metabolism, discouraging the formation of fat while supporting and promoting the development of lean muscle.  Recent studies have illustrated the various therapeutic benefits of glutathione, from improving insulin sensitivity to reducing damage from ulcerative colitis.

Interesting to note: A clinical trial published last year in BMC Gastroenterology concluded that supplementation with glutathione can even help treat nonalcoholic fatty liver disease, which is currently reaching epidemic proportions in the United States.

Dr. Mark Hyman, the Medical Director at Cleveland Clinic’s Center for Functional Medicine, makes a particularly eye-opening claim, reporting that “virtually all patients suffering from chronic degenerative disease” (including those with cancer, cardiovascular disease, diabetes, arthritis, autoimmune disease, and Alzheimer’s disease) are “deficient in glutathione.”

Alpha-lipoic acid, the “sleep hormone” melatonin, milk thistle, and the antioxidant mineral selenium have all been found to increase glutathione as well.

Personally, I find taking a supplement like G-cel with added nutrients to better absorb the Glutathione is a great way to start.  The G-cel features other ingredients such as milk thistle, magnesium, selenium, zinc, chromium, alpha lipoic acid, and much more!  Most of the top co-factors for cellular health.  Think of G-cel as your cellular “chimney sweep” to help remove toxins!

Stop in and talk to Dr Jocelin to find out more about the amazing benefits of glutathione for the body and her exclusive practitioner grade G-cel supplement.

Portions of the health tip are from NaturalHealth365.

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18 signs that you need a liver detox

Nonalcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD) – deposits of fat in the liver that can’t be attributed to excessive drinking – currently affects well over 100 million Americans.  And, while nonalcoholic fatty liver disease can be quite mild, untreated NAFLD can lead to serious complications such as, liver cancer, liver failure, and premature death.  Simply put, in this article, you’ll discover why a liver detox is a must for most people.

Many natural health experts, including Sara Gottfried, MD, a Harvard-educated functional medicine doctor, stress the importance of liver detox as an indispensable weapon against liver disease.  “I used to think a liver detox was a luxury,” admits Dr. Gottlieb, “but now I realize that it’s an imperative.”

Is your liver sending out the “SOS” signals that indicate an urgent need for liver detox?  Today, we’ll focus our attention on the symptoms linked to liver dysfunction and two nutrients vital for protecting your liver health.

Fatty liver disease can affect your health by interfering with the detoxifying function of the liver, impairing the metabolism of nutrients, inhibiting oxygen uptake, and weakening the immune system.

But what is behind this worldwide epidemic?

Experts say that NAFLD is primarily caused by the excessive consumption of calories – particularly from high-carbohydrate, high-sugar, and processed foods.  But, while obesity is one of the “engines” driving the high incidence of NAFLD, it is not the only culprit.

Exposure to a wide array of environmental toxins can also threaten liver health.

On a daily basis, we are exposed to a truly overwhelming barrage of toxins – including pesticides, herbicides, preservatives, cleaning chemicals, air pollution, VOCs (volatile organic compounds), cigarette smoke, heavy metals, and electromagnetic radiation from laptops and smart phones.

In addition, medications – both prescribed and over-the-counter – and alcohol can contribute to the toxin burden on the liver.  Plus, certain medical conditions – such as metabolic syndrome, gallbladder removal (cholecystectomy), high blood pressure, elevated cholesterol, and type 2 diabetes – can increase the odds of developing liver disease.

So, without any further ado, here are the 18 signs that a liver detox is needed.  Of course, if you are experiencing these issues, an immediate visit to your naturopathic doctor is a smart move.

The wide range of symptoms that indicate liver disease:

Pain or discomfort under the right side of your rib cage
Difficulty digesting fatty foods
Abdominal bloating
Skin issues like, dark liver spots or rashes
Dark circles under the eyes
Itchiness of the skin
Dry skin
Weight gain – not due to overeating
Frustrating inability to lose excess body weight, despite calorie restriction
Excess abdominal fat
Powerful cravings for sugar, alcohol, or coffee
Yellowish or whitish coating of the tongue or bad breath
Mood swings and mood disturbances
Fatigue that is not relieved by sleeping more
Heavy snoring or sleep apnea
Allergies and autoimmune disorders
Jaundice – in which the skin or the whites of the eyes appear yellow
And, finally, excessive sweating

If you suffer from these symptoms, your naturopathic doctor may advise a liver detoxification protocol – consisting of reducing exposure to toxins, proper nutrition, and the use of  liver-healing herbs and supplements.

Fortunately, plenty of liver-supporting nutrients exist to help soothe an inflamed, fatty liver.  Among these, two in particular stand out.  The following pair of “liver health heavyweights” can help reduce inflammation and promote liver cell regeneration – putting you on the fast track to better liver health.

Glutathione, the body’s “master antioxidant” is an important ally in liver health
This disease-fighting enzyme is found in every cell in the body – but is most heavily concentrated in the liver.  In other words, the liver can be considered “Glutathione Central.”  A powerful antioxidant, glutathione defends against disease by reducing oxidative damage and neutralizing toxins and carcinogens.

It also boosts the immune system, decreases inflammation, repairs DNA, and helps to recycle other important antioxidants such as vitamin C, vitamin E, and CoQ10.  While experts say we should strive to take in 250 mg of dietary glutathione every day, most Americans only manage to ingest about 35 mg.

For liver support, natural health experts may recommend dosages of glutathione in the area of 200 mg to 500 mg a day.  However, it’s always best to consult with your naturopathic doctor before supplementing.

Non-toxic milk thistle fights liver disease “across the board”

Milk thistle, botanically known as Silybum marianum, is rich in silymarin, a powerful antioxidant and anti-inflammatory compound.  Silymarin helps to prevent the binding of toxins to cell membrane receptors, thereby neutralizing carcinogens and biological toxins.

It also offers a trio of benefits that seem specifically designed to fight fatty liver disease – promoting the regeneration of liver cells, helping to prevent liver scarring, and interfering with the accumulation of fats in the liver.

Milk thistle’s therapeutic properties have been backed up by studies. Research has shown that milk thistle extract inhibits pro-inflammatory pathways and substantially reduces markers of liver inflammation in patients with chronic liver disease.

Although our liver can work heroically to cleanse and detoxify the blood, the truth is: these hard-working organs sometimes require a little TLC.  Therefore, a liver detox can provide that much-needed support and represent the first step back on the road to a healthy life.

Stop in today to talk to Dr Jocelin about how to best support and detoxify your Liver as well as consider scheduling a consult with her to optimize your health completely.  Also, be sure to check out our Glutathione and Milk Thistle supplements at Whitaker’s Natural Market!