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What is in my Family’s Immune Closet for Immune Support and fighting the Coronavirus and any flu or cold:

Sovereign Silver – the amazing immune boosting, antiviral, antibiotic, and antifungal properties of silver are something no one should be without.  Nature’s Original “Antibiotic”

Argentyn 23 – the practitioner grade version of Sovereign Silver.  With it’s 23ppm (compared to 10ppm in Sovereign Silver), this super strength silver is a must have.  Only available through establishments that have practitioners. 

Elderberry Syrup – immune boosting and reduces both the severity and length of the flu.  

Hyland’s Cold Tablets with Zinc – these homeopathic tablets are excellent for any cold or flu.

Hyland’s Defend Cold and Cough Syrup – This is a must-have-on-your-shelf kind of medicine. It’s comprehensive, meaning that it really provides comfort and relief for a broad range of cold symptoms including nasal congestion, cough, sore throat ,and sneezing.  Its ingredients are classic, well-proven homeopathic remedies that do their job well!

Hyland’s Complete Flu Care – Fights flu naturally.  Relieves: fever & chills, headache, body aches, cough, and congestion.

Ener-C – 1,000mg Vitamin C with Electrolytes to boost the Immune System and keep fully hydrated.  

Vitamin C – available in both capsules and powder.  This is the one thing in high dosages that the Chinese authorities have found works on the hospitalized Coronavirus patients. 

ALJ – an excellent respiratory blend to support the lungs and remove phlegm.  Also great for coughs.

SinuOrega – nasal spray which really removes the bacteria from the sinuses!  Excellent for any type of sinus issue or infection.

OregaSpray – Superb throat spray for any sore throat and full immune boosting

Propolis – a nutrient-packed compound produced by bees. It has been used for thousands of years to promote immune health and overall wellness. Researchers have identified hundreds of health-promoting compounds in propolis. 

Manuka Honey – known for its amazing immune properties especially the 515+ MGO! (Has been known to work on MRSA!)

Oregano – natural antibiotic and powerful antioxidant, known for it’s antiviral properties

Echinacea – fights the flu, fights inflammation, and helps healthy cell formation

Spirulina — Reduces severity of influenza infection and lowers influenza mortality in animal studies. In a human trial, spirulina significantly lowered the viral load in patients with HIV infection

Selenium — Selenium deficiency increases the rate at which viruses can mutate, promoting the evolution of strains that are more pathogenic and capable of evading immune surveillance.  Needed for healthy cellular reproduction.

Zinc — Supports “effective function and proliferation of various immune cells,” lowering mortality in the elderly by 27%

Specific to children, what I give Yalissa is:
Sovereign Silver
Elderberry Syrup
Hyland’s Baby Cold Tablets (the children’s version of the adult Cold Tablets)
Hyland’s Kid’s Cold and Cough Syrup
Hyland’s Kid’s Cold and Flu Syrup
Hyland’s Vitamin C for Kids
ALJ Liquid
Vitamin C Powder or Ener-C packets

Be sure to browse our large selection of immune boosting supplements and natural anti-virals on your next visit to Whitaker’s Natural Market.  

And finally, some interesting information about the Coronavirus from Dr Mercola…

  • According to bioweapons expert Francis Boyle, evidence suggests COVID-19 is a weaponized coronavirus originating from the Biosafety Level 4 facility in Wuhan City, China.
  • COVID-19 appears to be a chimera consisting of SARS (an already weaponized coronavirus), HIV genetic material, and influenza virus, designed with gain of function properties that allow it to spread a greater distance than normal.
  • Others research has suggested COVID-19 may involve Prevotella, a bacterium known to cause respiratory tract infections, and that this may explain some of the observed symptoms and how it can spread through feces.
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Fertility and What You Eat

According to a recent study, when the diets of women trying to get pregnant was compared to their fertility rates, it became clear that the foods eaten made a major impact. The risk of infertility doubled from 8% to 16% in those who reported consuming four or more servings of fast food every week, which included items like pizza, burgers, fried chicken, and chips. These findings are in line with those of other research that has shown how profoundly our dietary choices can affect our fertility. A 2012 study at the Harvard School of Public Health found that when men eat fatty, unhealthy food,  their sperm lose the ability to move vigorously enough to make the journey all the way up the ovarian tube.  So you are truly what you eat.  This summer, while enjoying some treats, choose wisely!  Make sure to fix healthy meals with grass fed meats, organic ingredients, and supplement for needed nutrients.