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Mushrooms Help Protect Your Brain

We all worry at least occasionally about what the future will bring. As we get older, one of the scariest threats is the possibility of developing dementia and losing many of our precious memories. While there is no surefire way to guarantee that we won’t experience cognitive decline in our later years, there are steps we can take that will reduce its likelihood. New research now suggests that one potential form of brain protection could come from something you might already enjoy eating—mushrooms.

The study, which took place at the National University of Singapore, found that consuming mushrooms more than twice a week is associated with a lower risk of cognitive problems such as mild memory loss and language difficulties in older adults. These results are based on an investigation that included 663 Chinese men and women, all of whom were at least 60 years old. Their dietary and lifestyle habits were tracked for a six-year period between 2011 and 2017.

The subjects answered questions about the frequency of their consumption of mushrooms. Then, the researchers compared this information with the results of several different cognitive tests each participant took.

Those who ate mushrooms regularly achieved higher scores on average in the testing and were noted to have greater speed in processing, which is related to the ability to complete tasks in a shorter duration of time. And more mushroom eating was definitely shown to be better, with a positive correlation in test performance especially associated with those who consumed more than two servings of mushrooms a week, or the equivalent of more than 10.5 ounces or 300 mg when compared to their peers who consumed mushrooms less than once a week.

The results are not really surprising to find that mushrooms may offer a boost to our brains. All varieties of the fungi are rich in ergothioneine, which is an amino acid with anti-inflammatory effects that may prevent free radical damage to the brain. Mushrooms are also good sources of vitamin D, selenium, and spermidine. Spermidine is known to help clear debris that accumulates in the body’s cells.

What’s more, this is not the first research to show that mushrooms can benefit the brain. A 2017 study at the University of Malaya in Kuala found that regular consumption of mushrooms may be associated with brain changes that reduce the risk of developing dementia.

Finally, don’t forget that staving off cognitive decline is about more than just mushroom consumption. It’s important to eat a varied diet that offers a lot of fruits and vegetables full of antioxidants and nutrients that can help protect your brain. Blueberries and leafy green vegetables are also good food options that have been shown to provide some protection from dementia as we age. Supplementing with L-Carnosine and Acetyl-L-Carnitine can help maintain the health of brain cells. And exercise is another essential factor that has been found to give our brains a boost and prevent memory loss.

And all that being said, remember, dementia is also a side effect of many medications—especially psychopharmaceuticals when used in combination. The more you take, the greater the risk.

So keeping up your overall health is most important and supplementing with mushrooms is a great way to boost your health!  Be sure to check out our large selection of mushroom based supplements on your next visit to Whitaker’s!